Life Between Lives therapy, also known as spiritual regression, is a type of therapy that takes clients on a journey to explore their soul's existence between physical lives. This therapy aims to help individuals gain a deeper understanding of their soul's purpose and to connect with their spiritual guides.

At the core of Life Between Lives therapy is the belief that each individual has a soul that exists beyond the physical body. This soul is said to have a unique purpose and a unique journey that it must undertake in order to reach its full potential. During a Life Between Lives therapy session, clients are guided into a deep state of relaxation and then taken on a journey to explore their soul's existence between lives.

The journey typically involves the client moving through a tunnel or portal and into the spiritual realm. There, they may meet their spiritual guides, angels, and other beings who offer guidance and support. They may also explore different aspects of their soul's journey, such as their life purpose, their soul family, and the lessons they need to learn in order to evolve spiritually.

Life Between Lives therapy can be a powerful tool for personal growth and transformation. It can help individuals gain a deeper understanding of their soul's journey and their purpose in life. It can also offer a sense of peace and comfort to those who have lost loved ones, as it provides a framework for understanding the continuation of the soul's existence beyond physical death.

If you are interested in exploring Life Between Lives therapy, it is important to find a qualified practitioner who has been trained in this modality. They will be able to guide you through the process and help you gain the insights and understanding that you seek. With the right guidance, Life Between Lives therapy can be a transformative and life-affirming experience.

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